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Monday, 26 December 2016

Nigerian Army e-Recruitment 76rri

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 Nigerian Army e-Recruitment

76 Regular Recruits Intake 2016 for Trades/ Non Tradesmen and Women

This is to inform the general public and all interested qualified candidates that the online application for the 76 Regular Recruits Intake for both Trades/ Non Tradesmen and Women will be opened by on 21 st November and end on 1st January 2017.
Candidates are cautioned in their best interests , not to give any form of gratification or influence to any person or group of persons to assist them on forced recruitment workout .
Applications on this portal is exempt from indictment .
Submission of various works will be considered as cheating and lead to automatic disqualification .

76 RRI Enlistment paces
Step 1: Create an account on the entrance. You will be required to provide a legitimate Email Address( this will be your User Name) and a Password. Note: You can log in to the entrance at any time with your Email Address( User Name) and Password.
Step 2: Complete the Application form and Print a forgery of your kind. The terminated kind also contains the Guarantor's section.
Step 3: All short listed applicants are to attend the Pre-Selection Examination at the centre of their choices on 7th January 2017.
Step 4: Candidates that sat for the Pre-Screening Examination are to check this website on 15 th January 2017 for the list of nominees short listed to attend the Zonal Screening Exercise
Step 5: Successful nominees from the Pre-Selection Examination are to attend the Zonal Screening Exercise at certain designated Zonal Centres for their respective nations from 22 nd January 2017.
Step 6: Candidates adopted after the Zonal Screening Exercise will be opened by training immediately at The Depot, Nigerian Army, Zaria.
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